House of Nefertum is Himachal Pradesh based start-up, makes natural aromatherapy candles in association with CSIR-IHBT (Council of Science and Industrial Research- Institute of Himalayan Bio resource Technology) Palampur. The candles are made with natural butter/wax and natural oil that can help you feel relax, calm, energized and help your brain get into more productive way.
House of Nefertum, uses and promotes biodegradable pine needles as packaging material. This not only reduces the dependency of plastic based packaging but also promotes bio diversity and reduces loss of wild life due to annual wild fires incidents.
Apart from this, the brand also train women self help group for handmade diya /tea light candles for festival season that help them earn extra money for the season and develop their skills.
Nefertem was the Egypitan god of healing, the lotus, beauty, perfumes and aromatherapy, which is the brand's key feature. Nefertem signified both the first sunshine and the wonderful scent of the Egyptian blue lotus flower, which arose from the primal waters within an Egyptian blue water-lily; similarly, the House of Nefertum holds a variety of scents that help one rest and calm one's spirit. Being innovative and environmentally friendly, transparency is a new concept, that the brand explores on. The House of Nefertum offers a unique perspective that is both balanced and protective. It indicates a desire and need to heal, as well as a desire to create a more secure and relaxing atmosphere. The butterfly further signifies healing and self care.